Lund City


Near the central station in Lund, Naturkompaniet's shop is located in a corner position towards the city centre. Here you will find a large selection for an active life from brands such as Arcteryx, Fjällräven and Tierra and others. For the feet, we have boots and shoes from i.a. Hanwag, Asolo, Crispi, Lundhags and Kavat. Our products are somewhat seasonal where we primarily focus on travel and hiking during the summer months. During the winter, our focus is on keeping you warm, regardless of whether you're going on a summit tour in the mountains, skiing in the Alps or strolling around town. Our outdoor experts who are passionate about the outdoors help you find the right outdoor equipment and offer good advice, tips and their own experiences. Welcome to our outdoor store to start your adventure, our knowledgeable and happy staff will do their best to find the right product for your needs!
Bytaregatan 12
222 21 Lund
Tel: 046-14 02 80

Opening hours

Monday to Friday 10:00
- 18: 00
Saturday 10:00
- 16: 00

Opening hours

Monday 10:00 -
Monday to Friday 10:00
- 18: 00
Saturday 10:00
- 16: 00
Lund city gift card 2025
Handelsföreningen Lund

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Lund City. All rights reserved.