In the fall of 2024, the comedy group Stallet, known from among others "Trettiplus" and "Stallet med vänner", will go on tour in Sweden with the musical and popular culture-filled comedy show "Tillbaka till Millennieskiftet". It was when everything was supposed to happen, but nothing actually happened. Or how was it now? On October 5, the Stallet gang will come to Lund's Stadsteater!
The CD freestyle was traded for the useless minidisc, Caitlin and her mom got pregnant by the same guy in Sunset Beach, and the jeans were so low the fly disappeared. Church and state went their separate ways, so did Britney and Justin. Couscous salad felt new and fresh and the decor was either lime green or ill orange. And suddenly everything exploded. At least the IT bubble. But how affected were we by Aftonbladet's slimy chat rooms, the Swedish soaps' bad actors and constantly having to worry about B-Rok's heart problems? Have ICQ's chat sounds, Nokia's polyphonic ringtones and modem connection sounds ruined our ears for life?
"Back to the turn of the millennium - A comedy show by and with the stable" is a funny and tragicomic look at diary scribbles, the pop industry, social problems and the hoax at the turn of the millennium! Through sketches, Stallet captures the zeitgeist and the problems that we think in the rearview mirror that people experienced in their everyday lives, during the period when the 1900th century would soon become the 2000st century. All of course accompanied by the 1999 chart (as well as some catchy ringtones on the Nokia 3310).
About the Stable
The humor group Stallet was formed in Malmö in 2013 and consists of Elin Thomasdotter, Linn Mannheimer, Isabella Posse Boquist, Isabelle Riddez and Anni Tuikka who does not participate in this particular show. Over the years, they have put on a number of comedy shows, made radio programs and created the TV series "Trettiplus" and "Stallet med Vänner". Their humor is usually sketch-based, preferably with musical elements, and is based on recognition in combination with the absurd.
Buy tickets at or by calling Visit Lund on 046-131415 Monday, Wednesday and Friday from 11am to 14pm.
You can also buy tickets over the counter at the box office at Lund's Stadsteater. For opening hours see