Lund City

THURSDAY TALK: "Such is the heavenly song." Emanuel Swedenborg and the music of the angels.

Emanuel Swedenborg (1688–1772) was the natural scientist who extended his field of research to the spirit world. Everything turned out to be like on Earth, only so much more perfect. What role does music play in Swedenborg's teachings about the world? What role does it play in today's Church of Swedenborg? And what is it like to be a Swede and a composer?

The historian of ideas David Dunér, the pastor Göran Appelgren (Nya Kyrkan) and the composer Tommie Haglund meet in a conversation led by the musicologist Tobias Lund. Musicians from Lund's Chamber Soloists (LuKaS) perform Haglund's string trio Sollievo (dopo la tempesta).

Free entrance

The event is part of the fall semester's theme SPIRITUALITY.

See Odeum's entire series of events.

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