Lund City

The summer holiday opening at Vattenhallen

Welcome to the Vattenhallen for a summer visit! Between June 19 and August 12, we are open in summer Tuesdays-Saturdays between 10.00 and 16.00

Try an outdoor activity, see an exciting show, explore our exhibitions, go to a planetarium show and eat an ice cream in the sun!


Tuesday at 12: The atomic journey
With red-hot and super-cold experiments, we travel from the Stone Age to modern times with the help of human curiosity and ingenuity.

Thursday at 12 noon: The robot show
In the Robotshow, we have fun with programming! We learn to program and control a robot and we seek answers to what robots are good at and how a robot can perceive its surroundings.

Other days at 12 noon and all days at 15 p.m.: Air and Water Show
We ask ourselves questions such as: Can you weigh air? How does a tornado form? what happens at the boiling point? We also demonstrate how clouds form!


More chemistry
In the red corridor, we present various experiments and activities on the theme of chemistry!

On the farm, we offer several fun outdoor activities. WE build insect hotels, make giant soap bubbles and build big with construction pipes!

Theme activities and shows are included in the entrance ticket.

THE PLANETARIUM The planetarium has screenings at 13pm and 13.45pm all summer, tickets are purchased separately in our webshop or at the cash desk. On Wednesdays and Saturdays we offer shows in the Planetarium in English at 12:00. See current views on our website.


Vattenhallen Science Center

Vattenhallen's ticket officeop

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  • Vattenhallen Science Center
  • Vattenhallen Science Center

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