During the spring, Kalle Lind did a bunch of unique performances with guests such as Henrik Dorsin, Johan Glans, Sissela Kyle, Agnes Fred, Fredrik af Trampe, Stefan Sundström and Anders Linder. Now it is clear that the success will continue this autumn - with more secret guest artists!
Guests who can sing, dance, wiggle their ears and above all talk discuss narrow, odd, obscure and festive phenomena from the past and now promised.
"During the spring, we did a number of shows in Stockholm, Gothenburg and Lund. We mixed relatively famous guests with unknown and infamous ones and tried to create a controlled chaos, a verbal dance on a tightrope, a unique happening for the guests who were there right then and there. We will continue to explore this during the autumn. The shows will continue to be recognizable to Skewed listeners, with subjects and guests recognizable from the podcast, but with the addition of local talent, antics and silliness – all in the spirit of stophile entertainment historysays Kalle Lind.
"One of my assignments to myself has been to give the audience a warm feeling in their body. It is the finest thing you can give other people: a warm feeling in your body. A feeling that you are not alone, that the world is a fantastic place, that there is still hope and that the earth still runs its course. We will try to give the audience that during the autumn as well."
About Kalle Lind
Kalle Lind calls himself a miscellaneous worker in the cultural industry. He is a På spåret finalist, Summer Talker and collector of odd facts about odd phenomena and odd people. Kalle does radio humor (e.g. in "Fredag i P4/P1" with Susanna Dzamic), runs the podcasts "Snedtänkt" (which has so far been produced in 387 episodes for Sveriges Radio), "Della Morta" (with Fredrik af Trampe) and " Oh you!” (with Jeanette "Vante" Rosengren), writes for eg Sydsvenskan, Expressen and Ica-kuriren and has published around twenty books. This autumn, Kalle is currently the author (with Henrik Jutbring) of the book "Galenskaparna och After Shave: the weed in the Swedish entertainment discount" (Bokförlaget Forum, publication date 2023-09-28).