Once upon a time there was a swamp troll named Shrek who lived a peaceful life in a swamp far, far away. One day, his quiet swamp is invaded by a bunch of fairytale characters who have been exiled...
This is an adventure that has it all, a comical and sarcastic sidekick in the form of a donkey, a happy and sharp princess to be rescued and a bunch of confused fairy tale characters forced to flee by an evil king and his soldiers. But isn't it a good fairy tale without a small moral undertone? This is also the story of a grumpy swamp troll who learns to appreciate true friendship.
Come and be part of a real fairytale adventure - a musical with speed!
Buy tickets at ticketmaster.se or by calling Visit Lund on 046-131415 Mondays, Wednesdays or Fridays from 11am to 14pm.
You can also buy tickets at the box office at Lund's Stadsteater. For opening hours see visitlund.se