Lund City

Music this summer evening: Duo Mardi

Duo Mardi
Classic beads for flute and guitar

Amanda Ripa, flute
Cecilia Edman Bergman, guitar

About the program:
The summer program consists of mixed classical music, both well-known and lesser-known works, with some elements of tango and Swedish folk songs.

Artist Biography:
Duo Mardi: Amanda and Cecilia met and started playing together when they were both studying for a master's degree at the Academy of Music in Malmö. Cecilia is currently studying for a diploma/soloist at the conservatory in Copenhagen and Amanda is active as a flute teacher and freelance flutist.

Don't miss upcoming music this summer evening!

3 July at 19.00
Fine Together music by Jan Johansson and Lars Gullin
Fredrik Lindborg – baritone sax, clarinet, bass clarinet
Martin Sjöstedt – piano, double bass

10 July at 19.00
Axel Krogness, guitar
Tones from Brazil, Spain and Sweden

17 July at 19.00
Miracles of Our Lady
Songs about the Virgin Mary & stories about Marian miracles
Karin Lagergren, vocals
Emelie Roos, Recorder
Dohyo Sol, Luta

24 July at 19.00
Sound room
Karin Grönberg & Torbjörn Vanberg, vocals & piano
An eclectic mix of modern popular music with elements of jazz and show, everything from Allan Edwall to Billie Eilish!

July 31 at 19:00
Temperamental poetry
Elisabeth Mühlhäuser organ & piano.

About Music in a summer evening:

Every Wednesday at 19.00, during the period 12 June to 31 July inclusive,
you are invited to brighten up the summer evening with music in the parish of Sankt Peters Klosters.

An exuberant music series awaits with both classical, jazz and folk music
and popular music …… all to spice up the summer!

Music in the summer evening is arranged by the parish of Sankt Peters Klosters in collaboration with Sensus.

Dates, Times, Location

Show more times...
  • The monastery church
  • St. Peter's Klosters congregation

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