Lund City

LIMUS Floral summer concerts

This year, these two concerts are given outside on Botulfsplatsen! In case of rain, we go into Botulfshörnan in the city hall, where after many concerts we already feel at home.

As usual, we are experimenting a bit with new forms of audience participation, so be prepared to be drawn into the musical playfulness! You will hear well-prepared and happy musicians of all ages and on different instruments. Among them are both those who are fairly new and those who have been playing with us for many years. A very charming mix! This time, students from "The Learning Camp" will also participate, and it is very likely that program host Fredrik Schützer, our concert-experienced piano teacher, will play some of the camp students' brand new compositions.

Everything is free, but feel free to give a voluntary penny to our non-profit association Mozarts Vänner. Swish 123 157 47 14.

In collaboration with Sommarlund, the restaurant Pistachio and the association Mozarts Vänner.

Dates, Times, Location

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  • Botulfsplatsen
  • LIMUS Music School and MoV (Mozart's Friends)

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