Lund City

The evening meal: Jane Austen and the music

"Well done, Miss Anne! Lord bless me! How those little fingers of yours fly about!”

Jane Austen's six immortal novels are full of music! It is about Italian arias that have to be translated, the difficulties of transporting a harp in harvest time, similarities and differences between marriage and dancing at a ball, etc. This evening – or perhaps rather soiree – in the beautiful Hornsbergsalen at Kulturen alternates reading aloud, music history and music for one voice, two voices, violin, viola and keyboard instruments. Cast: Cecilia Alrikson – vocals and keyboard (piano, pianoforte or harpsichord) and Anna Braw – violin, viola and vocals.

Suitable for adults and children aged 12 and up. In the Hornsbergssalen, our beautiful hall with wallpaper from the 1600th century.

Ticket prices: Adults SEK 220, Kulturens members, pensioners, students and visitors 0–18 years SEK 190.

Advance ticket purchase

Limited number of tickets, only 50 seats. Entrance to the museum is included in the ticket price!

The tickets will be released shortly.

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  • Price: 190 kr

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