Are you thinking about getting an education, but don't know what or how? Then you should visit Komvuxmässan in Lund on October 14 in the City Hall.
Meet and talk to representatives from the adult education programs offered in Lund municipality.
Get inspired and find the right education for you.
Hit: Arbetsförmedlingen, Labor Market and Social Administration, Campus Vipan, Hermods, Komvux Lund, Movant, YH Lund, Lundavälkomsten, Lunds vägledningscentrum.
Date: Saturday, October 14, 2023
Time: from 11.00:15.00 a.m. to XNUMX:XNUMX p.m
Location: Stadshallen Lund, Foyer (Stortorget 9)
Entry: Free