An AW with us in the Stadsparken we are holding in favor of Julgiven!
Julgiven is a religiously and politically unbound charity fundraiser that has existed in Lund since 2020. The mission is simple but powerful: to create warmth and community for people who need a little extra care during Christmas.
All information about the collection and what it goes to can be found on Julgiven's FB page, see link:
Entry? Swish any amount to Julegiven.
What you can expect:
- AW Friday 29 November starting at 17:00.
– Svante Lodén & Erik Hjärpe from Nevergreens and DAMN! sets the mood right from 17:00 p.m. and an hour or so ahead.
- Auction of, among other things, a produce basket with delicious things for the pantry.
- Great prices on pizza and drinks.
- We keep going as long as we can.
A warm welcome into the heat!