Lund City

International Epilepsy Day

Did you know that around 81 people in Sweden live with epilepsy? Even though many do not achieve seizure freedom with their treatment and the cause of epilepsy is often unknown, the disease is still surrounded by many myths. To increase awareness and spread knowledge, the Lund Epilepsy Society and the Epilepsy Center at Lund University invite you to activities and lectures. There will be lectures on why epilepsy medicine can be tiring, advanced image analysis, 000T MRI, in epilepsy investigations and on the role of the epilepsy nurse. In addition to lectures, there will be a tips walk and mini-lectures about ongoing research. Free admission, no pre-registration required.

Program with preliminary times:
17.00 Tip walk and mini presentations on ongoing epilepsy research
17.30 Welcome from the Epilepsy Society and Epilepsy Center: Karin Caesar and Maria Sandgren, Epilepsy Society and My Andersson, Assoc. Prof. Epilepsy Center, Lund University.
17.45 Lecture: “Why can antiepileptic drugs make you tired?” Arne Reimers, physician, PhD, Department of Clinical Chemistry and Pharmacology, Lund University.
18.15-18.35 Lecture: “Advanced image analysis, 7T MRI, in epilepsy investigations” Ariadne Zampeli, physician, Department of Clinical Sciences, Lund University.
18.35-18.40 Leg stretchers and correction of tip walk
18.40-19.00 Lecture: “What does an epilepsy nurse do?” Anna Hugosson, epilepsy nurse, Neurology Clinic SUS, Lund.
19.00-19.30 Subsequent discussion

Dates, Times, Location

Monday 10 February 2025, at 17:00

In 2 days
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