Lund City

Fores(t)empest – a Shakespeare theater experience and fairy tale play

Swedish/French guest performance

Fores(t)empest a play by Mariana Araoz

Fores(t)empest is a brand new play based on Shakespeare's The Tempest, inspired by Nordic and Argentinian folktales, with seven handpicked Swedish/international actors/dancers who create a choreographed theater story and play about power, magic and adventure. Fores(t)empest takes the audience on a dramatic journey between land and sea, using Shakespeare, Latin American traditional fairy tale and modern text mixed with puppetry, mime, physical theatre, song and dance, to create a folk tale of our time.

Are you a school? There is an opportunity to invite the director to your school to talk about the performance and the storytelling theater form plus her own drama method ©In-Balance Method. Contact Us.

Recommended for all ages but from at least 10 years and up.

The performance is a French/Swedish guest performance by Trans Mission Research Sweden. After successfully directing, among others, the critically acclaimed Lady Macbeth at Skillinge Teater in 2022, the French-Argentine theater director returns Mariana Araoz to Sweden with her newly written original play Fores(t)empest.

The play has a French creative management and a strong Swedish ensemble with 7 actors/dancers on stage:
Nils Peder Holm, Pelle Hanaeus, Boel Marie Larsson, Vanessa Poole, Nidia Martinez Barbieri, Corrado Di Lorenzo, Emilie Strandberg

About the play
Follow the story of Miranda, himself trapped on an almost deserted island, with an overbearing father Prospero and a precious amber, when she deliberates between 2 princes – where one of them is named Prince Caliban. Shadowed by a chorus of healers, led by the magic of the spirit Ariel, follow Miranda under the waves where she meets an alter ego Anahi, trapped in a tree on the polluted seabed for the last 500 years…

Fores(t)empest is played in Swedish with elements from several other languages.
The performance is based on several sources of inspiration, including the highly current book The Deep. The performance gives the audience a story about drowned slaves and self-liberation, shows a power struggle between nature and art and is at the same time a new interpretation of Shakespeare's The Tempest from a feminist and environmentally friendly perspective.
The play is designed to be a visual experience with text and dialogue that appeals to everyone in the audience, regardless of language or age.

The director Mariana Araoz is a world-renowned theater director and drama teacher based in Paris and Malmö, guest professor of scenic design and mask at Teaterhögskolan Malmö. She is a successful theater director, drama teacher and playwright who works internationally with her own theater lab and her own stage in Paris, the newly opened La Maison d'Equilibre.

Behind her, Mariana has 30 years of experience in puppetry and mask technique on stage, plus 15 years of research experience in gender and theater and theater as a form of dramatic social engagement. Mariana has created her own successful theater method to use on stage, hers ©In-Balance Method which creates a balance of power and interaction between all the actors on stage and is based on the elements from mime, puppetry, kabuki theater and the world of dance. This method is widely used under the set of Fores(t)empest.
Fores(t)empest played with support from: Lund municipality. Region Skåne, Collectif Masque, French Cultural Council, Skillinge Theatre, Stenkrossen. And in collaboration with Visit Lund AB as well as

Schools book through us at TMR Sweden to discuss possibilities and receive a discount on the ticket price by emailing:
Or call: 0706001850

The general public buy tickets at or by calling Visit Lund on 046-131415 weekdays from 11am to 15pm.

Ev. remaining tickets are sold at the entrance to Stenkrossen on the day of the performance. Only swish payment on site at Stenkrossen.

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  • Price: 70 kr

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