Lund City

Birth certificate – Danilo Kiš

Free after Birth Certificate – The Story of Danilo Kiš by Mark Thompson, with parts from Garden, ash and The hourglass by Danilo Kiš

A musical portrayal of a person with a complex biography, a free-spirited creator, anti-nationalist and dissident – ​​Danilo Kiš.

Danilo Kish was the last Yugoslav writer of Hungarian-Montenegrin descent and it is said that only his death, in 1989, prevented him from receiving the Nobel Prize. An artist of high morals, a seducer, bohemian and troubadour, who managed to live in harmony with his own moral principles, regardless of the consequences.

What happens in the meeting between the actors' life stories and Danilo's story?

How do we view developments in the society we live in? On everything that conditions, limits and humiliates us in the search for ourselves?

Four actors and a musician portray several versions of the author by mixing documentary and fiction, music and language.

The performance is directed by Kokan Mladenovic, one of the Western Balkans' most talked about, award-winning and provocative directors.

Direction and concept: Kokan Mladenovic

On stage
Linnéa Giczi, Folke Narin, Suzanna Santrac, Zeljko Santrac, Jonatan Sersam

Creative team
Scenography / costume: Annika Carlsson and Jennie Andersson
Composition: Jonathan Sersam
Dramaturgy: Mikael Olsson
Production: Emma Therkelson
Directing support: Nikola Pusicic and Dana Stojakovic
Graphic Design: Molly Bystrom

With the support of: The Culture Council, Malmö City, Lund Municipality and the Artists' Board

Dates, Times, Location

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  • Price: 200 kr

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