Lund City

Exposition & Solymus – musical characters

Before the evening's sing-along with Rickard Söderberg, LIMUS warms up with locally produced classical music. A world champion on the accordion, a classical guitarist and two pianists have devised a program with exciting combinations. Add to that a premiere performance of maestro Johan-Magnus Sjöberg's "Solymus"! The Lund connection to the cathedral's carillon is built in with a twinkle in the eye.
In the classical exposition of a sonata, two different characters are presented. It is to be feared that this concert will not stick to just two…. Pack something nice to eat and drink in your picnic basket! Cast: Hristina Nestorov, accordion; Timmy Hantoft, classical guitar, Fredrik Schützer and Jin Kuh, piano.
Idea: Gabriele Katthän
Organiser: LIMUS Music School in collaboration with Sommarlund.

Dates, Times, Location

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  • The city park
  • LIMUS School of Music

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