We are live streaming the Internet Foundation's Digital today - a digital event with a focus on how we can become safer and more aware internet users. The program for the broadcast includes:
- What is phishing and how can I protect myself? Lotta Mauritzson, coordinator of the police's national fraud centre, the Swedish Police Agency.
- AI in society: A talked about and revolutionary technology. Emma Engström, researcher at the Institute for Futures Studies.
- Who is lying - and who can decide what is true? Anton Lif, specialist in influence operations and communication Combitech Sweden.
- More screen time for the elderly - the importance of daily digital exercise! Ulli Samuelsson, lecturer in pedagogy.
- AI, Big Data, ChatGPT, ChatBot, Cookie... Where did humans go and why is understanding human behavior more important than ever? Katarina Graffman, PhD in anthropology.