He's been called one of the best, a great showman and so skilled it's impossible not to love his standup. Now the audience favorite Carl Stanley is celebrating ten years as a stand-up comedian with his new solo show "Excuse me Skånska". It will be a stand-up show with humor from the heart, about deer, children, jeans, marriage, a theft and becoming an adult for real.
- This is going to be so much fun! When I started standup ten years ago, my goal was to do a solo tour during my career. It feels completely crazy that I am now on my way out on my fourth! It's more than I ever dared to hope for. But now I feel a bit more seasoned and think I'm a better comedian than ever, says Carl Stanley.
Previously, Carl went on the tours Ärligt Talat (2017), Born 1996 (2019-2020)
and Akta Huet (2022-2023).
"Ursäkta Min Skånska" premieres at Lund's city theater on 28/2.
age limit: No age limit, but the show is recommended for ages 16 and up
Buy tickets at ticketmaster.se or by calling Visit Lund on 046-131415 Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays from 11am to 14pm. You can also buy tickets at the box office at Lund City Theatre. For opening hours see visitlund.se