Lund City

Allegra Krieger (US) + support: Agnes Mai

Allegra Krieger is an American songwriter based in New York City. "I Keep My Feet on the Fragile Plane" - Allegra's fourth record and her first with Double Double Whammy - is her most mature and seductive work to date. It contains all the hallmarks of her best lyrics: delicate and precise phrasing, moments that flicker between beauty and banality, meaning formed through an accumulation of observations, memories and unexpected sayings.

“The hushed songs on the New York singer-songwriter's fourth album, I Keep My Feet on the Fragile Plane, close the distance between the spiritual and normal...Her voice has a habit of sneaking up on you; its lilt casts a solemn shadow over songs like “Carry Me Into Tomorrow” or “Terribly Free,” that delicate moodiness evoking Elliott Smith at his most tender.” - Pitchfork

Agnes Mai is a 20-year-old singer-songwriter from Lund. She sings and plays piano and guitar to her narrative pop songs with a lot of feeling. Her lyrics are often playful and written from unexpected perspectives, and they can be about both the happy and difficult parts of life. Even difficult things can turn into something beautiful in Agnes Mai's musical world. Agnes writes all her songs herself, and each song is like its own little story or world. The goal is to evoke emotions with the help of the music, or perhaps manage to put into words something someone else has also felt.

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